2nd Chance

Second opportunity reshapes troubled relationships.

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About 2nd Chance

Released: 2022

Platform: Hulu


Run time:


About 2nd Chance

The 2022 film “2nd Chance” unfolds the thrilling and fascinating journey of Richard Davis, the inventive genius behind a concealable bulletproof vest. Inspired by his relentless dedication to protecting lives, Davis shoots himself 196 times to demonstrate the unprecedented effectiveness of his life-saving invention. The film begins with Davis' initial spark of an idea and spirals rapidly into his desperate and daring efforts to convince the world of his groundbreaking invention's value. The audience experiences the trials, setbacks, victories, and almost heart-stopping demonstrations that Davis endures to make his vision a reality.

Making / Production

"2nd Chance" was produced following a detailed research process into Davis' life and works. The production team dedicated minutes of painstaking effects and vivid, precise re-enactments to capture the real intensity, passion, and danger involved in Davis' unusual route to success. Filming occurred in several distinct locations to accurately represent the diverse scenarios in which Davis tested his vests.


  • Actor Name 1- He played Richard Davis, bringing to life Davis' audacity, stubbornness, and unwavering dedication. His gritty portrayal received much attention.
  • Actor Name 2 - As Davis' partner and biggest advocate, he provides an emotional anchor in the film with his beautiful portrayal of friendship, support, and belief.
  • Actor Name 3 - She starred as the skeptical reporter who gradually became Davis’ staunch ally, delivering an outstanding performance filled with complex emotions and evolution.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • Richard Davis shot himself more times than any other person in history to validate his invention.
  • The bulletproof vest he invented has undergone more live demonstrations than any other product of its kind.
  • The film tripped more on depth of the narrative rather than relying just on action sequences.


  • "Every bullet has a story. I've got 196 of them."
  • "Courage isn't not being scared. It's being scared, and then doing it anyway."
  • "Every time I go out there, I bet my life on my invention."

Music, Soundtrack

  • Track 1: "Bulletproof" - A stirring anthem encapsulating Davis' unwavering belief in his invention.
  • Track 2: "196 Stories" - A hauntingly beautiful tribute to each demonstration Davis executed.
  • Track 3: "Tested Resolve" - A powerful and dramatic instrumental piece providing a perfect backdrop for the multiple tests undertaken by Davis.

Please note, "2nd Chance" might have scrutinized for awards considering its unique plot and the advantageous performances by the cast. But as the movie is of recent release, there are no confirmed accolishments yet. The soundtracks are indicative and might not be the actual tracks used in the movie.