9/11: One Day in America

In-depth chronicle of 9/11 terrorist attacks

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About 9/11: One Day in America

Released: 2021

Platform: Hulu

Rating: TVMA

Run time: 5h 0m


9/11: One Day in America

About 9/11: One Day in America

"9/11: One Day in America" is a gripping and haunting documentary series released in 2021. The series tells the story of the infamous day in America on 11th September 2001, when the world witnessed a catastrophic terror attack on US soil. The narrative is primarily derived from first-hand testimonials of survivors, first responders, witnesses, and people directly affected by the events. The documentary is known for its immersive and emotional storytelling as it presents a detailed account of the devastation, bravery, and coming together of humans in the face of adversity.

Making / Production

The series is a product of collaboration between National Geographic and the 9/11 Memorial & Museum. Director Daniel Bogado has meticulously compiled the documentary using archival footages and emotional interviews in a chronological storytelling fashion. This provides viewers with an immersive and in-depth look at the day's horrific events and the aftermath.


There are no actors in this series, as it is a documentary. The key individuals featured, however, include a number of survivors, first responders, and witnesses who share their personal experiences and reflections of the tragic event.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The series is compiled from nearly 200 interviews from people directly affected by the incidents of 9/11.
  • It uses previously unseen archival footage, providing new perspectives on the tragedy.
  • The project took over five years to complete, reflecting its detailed and comprehensive approach.


As of this writing, "9/11: One Day in America" has not yet won any awards. However, the documentary series has been widely acclaimed for its sensitive and detailed portrayal of the tragic events of September 11.


  • "There's no words in the English language to describe what we went through that day." - Anonymous Survivor
  • "It was the worst day of our lives, but it was also our finest hour." - Anonymous First Responder

Music, Soundtrack

The soundtrack of this documentary is subtle and heartrending, perfectly capturing the emotion, tension, and gravity of the events. The score was composed by Chad Cannon, and its casual yet somber tone is integral in setting the atmosphere for this relentless journey back in time.