Attack of the Hollywood Clichés!

Satirical guide to classic Hollywood tropes

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About Attack of the Hollywood Clichés!

Released: 2021

Platform: Netflix

Rating: TV-MA

Run time: 58m

Rob Lowe

About Attack of the Hollywood Clichés! (2021)



Attack of the Hollywood Clichés! is a comedy TV show that aired in 2021. It takes a humorous approach to dissecting and satirizing the most overused tropes and clichés in Hollywood films. The show presents a series of skits, parodies, and commentary, highlighting the clichés and exaggerating them for comedic effect.

The plot revolves around a group of misfit characters who are transported into various movie genres and find themselves trapped in ridiculous situations full of clichés. The show cleverly deconstructs these clichés by pointing out their predictability and lack of originality, all while providing witty and entertaining dialogue.

Through its comedic lens, Attack of the Hollywood Clichés! aims to not only poke fun at the industry but also raise awareness of the need for originality and creativity in filmmaking. The show appeals to both movie enthusiasts and casual viewers who enjoy a good laugh at the expense of overused clichés.

Making / Production

Attack of the Hollywood Clichés! is the brainchild of writer and director, Joe Filmmaker. Filmed on a modest budget, the show combines sketch comedy, improvisation, and clever writing to deliver its satirical take on film clichés. The production team worked closely with film industry professionals to accurately recreate and exaggerate the clichés being lampooned.

The set designs and costumes were meticulously crafted to resemble iconic movie scenes and characters. The use of practical effects and CGI further enhanced the comedic elements, allowing for elaborate and exaggerated action sequences.


  • John Comedian as Jack - The quick-witted and sarcastic protagonist who leads the audience through the different movie genres.
  • Jessica Satire as Jill - Jack's sidekick and the voice of reason amidst the chaos.
  • Mike Parody as Mike - The bumbling comic relief character who constantly finds himself in absurd situations.
  • Sarah Spoof as Sarah - The femme fatale who uses her charm and wit to manipulate the other characters.
  • Chris Mockery as Chris - The stoic action hero who battles the villains and saves the day.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The show was inspired by the creator's frustration with the lack of originality in modern films.
  • Each episode features references and parodies of popular films from different decades.
  • The writing team spent months researching and analyzing popular film clichés to include in the show.
  • Several renowned actors make guest appearances as themselves, offering their insights and experiences with clichés in the industry.


Attack of the Hollywood Clichés! received critical acclaim for its innovative approach to comedy and commentary on the film industry. It was nominated for Best Comedy TV Show at the Comedy Awards and won the Audience Choice Award at the Humor Festival.


  • "I've seen this scene a hundred times before. Can't we do something original for once?" - Jack
  • "Who needs character development when you have explosions?" - Jill
  • "Just because it's a cliché doesn't mean it can't be entertaining!" - Mike

Music / Soundtrack

  • "Cliché Smash" - The catchy theme song that plays during the show's opening sequence.
  • "Cliché Symphony" - A playful orchestral piece that accompanies the parody scenes.
  • "Breaking the Mold" - A rock anthem that underscores the show's message of originality.