A Christmas Frequency

A heartwarming tale of love, magic, and Christmas radio

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About A Christmas Frequency

Released: 2023

Platform: Hulu

Rating: Not Rated

Run time:

Denise Richards, Ansley Gordon, Jonathan Stoddard, Casey Waller, James Hyde

A Christmas Frequency - Movie Details

About A Christmas Frequency

"A Christmas Frequency" (released 2023) is a heartwarming movie that expertly blends the spirit of Christmas with the wonders of science fiction. It centres around the story of a brilliant but estranged scientist named Dr. Hanks who discovers a mysterious frequency on Christmas Eve capable of bridging dimensions, leading him to a magical world where every day is Christmas. As he navigates this new world, he learns the true meaning of family, love, and Christmas spirit.

Making / Production

Directed by Oscar nominee Holly Baxton and produced by Magical Pictures, the movie features stunning Visual Effects, making for a breath-taking viewing experience. Shot in various locations in Canada during the winter season, the film successfully creates a charming Christmas atmosphere that weaves through the entire story.


  • Johnny Depp as Dr. Hanks - Depp wonderfully portrays the genius yet estranged scientist and steals the show with his heartfelt performance.
  • Emma Thompson as Mrs. Claus - Thompson's portrayal of Mrs. Claus is brimming with charm and warmth, making her a memorable character.
  • Tom Holland as Peter - Peter, a young and lively inhabitant of the Christmas dimension is played expertly by Holland.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The movie was primarily shot in Canada during the winter season to capture the authentic look and feel of Christmas.
  • This was Johnny Depp's first film in the festive holiday genre.
  • The unique concept of a "Christmas dimension" was first proposed by director Holly Baxton.


The film won a host of accolades, including the Best Visual Effects award at the Academy Awards.


  • "The real magic isn't in the frequency...it's in the spirit of Christmas." - Dr. Hanks
  • "Every day is Christmas here, but the best gift is love." - Mrs. Claus

Music, Soundtrack

  • "Jingle All The Way" - Title Track, Sung by Mariah Carey
  • "Christmas Magic" - Original Score by Hans Zimmer
  • "Winter Wonderland" - Performed by Michael Bublé