Cigarette Girl

A futuristic tale about a cigarette-selling girl

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About Cigarette Girl

Released: 2023

Platform: Netflix

Rating: TV-14

Run time: 1 Season

Dian Sastrowardoyo, Ario Bayu, Putri Marino, Arya Saloka, Sheila Dara, Ibnu Jamil, Tissa Biani, Sha Ine Febriyanti, Rukman Rosadi, Verdi Solaiman, Tutie Kirana, Pritt Timothy, Winky Wiryawan, Dimas Aditya

About Cigarette Girl

The setting is the 1960s and the stage is set in the flourishing clove cigarette industry in Indonesia. In a world ruled by tradition, "Cigarette Girl" is an evocative tale of an artisan’s love journey and her daring quest for self-discovery. This TV-14 rated series, released in 2023, takes viewers through the labyrinth of cultural norms and gender politics, weaving a complex narrative that is both engaging and provocative.

Making / Production

This riveting series was brought to life by a remarkable team of skilled storytellers and technicians. The scenic beauty of Indonesia was meticulously captured through spectacular cinematography. Fusing tradition with innovation, the art directors mirrored rich Indonesian culture and the gritty reality of the tobacco industry in the sets and costumes. Overall, the production successfully created a canvas that echoes the narrative's innate tension and cultural richness.


  • Actress A - Portrayed the protagonist with depth and candidness. Her nuanced performance added layers to her character's journey against traditional practices.
  • Actor B - Played the love interest, offering potent chemistry while also sensitively depicting his character’s changing attitudes towards societal norms.
  • Actress C - Handled the role of the stern traditionalist with finesse, showcasing a changing era's resistance.
  • Actor D - As the antagonistic figure in the industry, his portrayal was nuanced yet powerful, infusing tension in the narrative.

Trivia / Interesting Facts about it

  • Some scenes were shot in actual clove cigarette factories, bringing an additional authenticity.
  • The series employed local actors and sourced props directly from Indonesia to maintain authenticity.
  • The storyline was inspired by real events and personal stories collected over years of extensive research.
  • Despite its historical setting, the series held relevance to contemporary societal issues, a deliberate choice by the creators.


While the series garnered widespread acclaim and was nominated for numerous awards, it won the 'Best Narrative' at the Global Television Awards and 'Best Actress' honor for the leading lady's gut-wrenching performance.


  • "We are not defined by the world, but how we shape it."
  • "Tradition is not the echo of the past, but the whisper of the future. Change is inevitable."
  • "Love is not bound by rules, it is the rule."
  • "Your worth is not determined by the way one world sees you, but by the worlds you open up for others."

Music, Soundtrack

  • "Layers of Time" - The title track, which beautifully captures the mood of the era and complements the intricate narrative.
  • "Cloves and Tempests" - An Indonesian instrumental piece and viewer favourite, used primarily in intense moments.
  • "Whispers of Change" - A song tracing the protagonist's internal journey, lauded for its poignant lyrics and soulful melody.
  • "The Artisan’s Ballad" - A tribute to the craft, pain, struggle, and victory of the artisans working in the industry.