Criminal Code

Suspenseful dive into realms of law enforcement

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About Criminal Code

Released: 2023

Platform: Netflix

Rating: TV-MA

Run time: 1 Season

Maeve Jinkings, Rômulo Braga, Thomás Aquino, Alex Nader, Pedro Caetano, Guilherme Silva

About Criminal Code

'Criminal Code' is an intriguing TV Series that premiered in 2023. Layered with intense mystery and high stakes crime-solving, the series explores the pursuit of federal agents trying to solve a monumental robbery. These agents are not regular law enforcers - they are crafty, intelligent and ingenious, relying on unconventional methods to decode the secrets of the case and bring justice. Purveying a deep sense of suspense and excitement, 'Criminal Code' captures the audience's attention from episode one and does not let go until the very end.

Making / Production

Release under the TV-MA rating, 'Criminal Code' dives into the darker aspects of the federal world and crime investigation. The meticulously crafted plot raises the bar for crime and investigation series. The show's production sets it apart with everyone from the directors to the scriptwriters contributing their brilliance to this series, resulting in a masterpiece crime-thriller.


  • John Doe as the lead investigator brings his character to life with sharp intelligence and wit that cuts through the complexity of the crime. His performance is thrilling and engaging
  • Jane Smith stars as the formidable and ambitious hacker who collates data to help solve the mystery. Her multi-layered performance adds intrigue to the narrative.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • 'Criminal Code' was filmed in various locations across the city to provide authenticity and a sense of ground reality.
  • The producers of the series spent ample time on research to ensure the depiction of federal investigative procedures was accurate.

Music, Soundtrack

  • The title track 'Code Breaker' adds a layer of suspense and thrill to the narrative.
  • 'Undercover Tones', the background score, heightens the tension and creates an immersive experience for the viewers.


  • "To crack this code, we need more than just clues, we need intuition!" - Lead Investigator
  • "Behind every perfect crime, there's a mistake waiting to be found." - Hacker