The Fight

Legal drama following a passionate lawyer's journey

The Fight Hulu
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About The Fight

Released: 2020

Platform: Hulu

Rating: PG-13

Run time:


About 'The Fight'

"The Fight" is a 2020 documentary American film directed by Elyse Steinberg, Joshua Kriegman, and Eli Despres. The film underscores a defining moment in American history where a tenacious team of ACLU lawyers tirelessly battle for important human rights including abortion rights, immigrant rights, LGBTQ rights, and voting rights. The film presents a riveting journey of these unsung heroes who are willing to go to any extent to uphold justice and equality in society, granting viewers a close and intimate look at their inspiring endeavors.

Making / Production

The production of this film was an enormous task encompassing a broad range of issues. With a unique blend of behind-the-scenes footage, courtroom drama and personal interviews, the dynamic trio of directors - Steinberg, Kriegman, and Despres project a enlightening and engaging narrative. Scenes were carefully curated to generate an emotive response from the audience, making them resonate with the distress of those whose rights were being violated and the relentless lawyers fighting on their behalf.


  • Brigitte Amiri: As a passionate ACLU lawyer, Brigette played her role convincingly bringing the necessary conviction and empathy to her character.
  • Joshua Block: Portraying another fiercely committed lawyer of ACLU, Joshua's earnest portrayal effectively showcased his character's plight and determination.
  • Lee Gelernt: Lee, yet another strong advocate from ACLU, delivered a heartfelt performance, successfully evoking our sympathies for the cause.
  • Chase Strangio: The tenacity of Chase's performance as a committed ACLU lawyer was palpable, adding another layer of depth to the narrative.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The movie was released at a critical moment when the fight for human rights was making significant headlines.
  • Brigette Amiri's case in the film is about fighting for the right of undocumented minors to access abortion.
  • The passionate lawyers depicted in the film are all real ACLU lawyers highlighting real-life cases.


  • "The Constitution doesn't have an asterisk at the end that says 'terms and conditions apply.'"
  • "Democracy is not a spectator sport."
  • "Every new generation has to fight and their tools are the Constitution and the rule of law."

Music, Soundtrack

  • The music of "The Fight" delivers emotive beats and rhythms that effectively underscore the drama unfolding on screen.
  • It effectively complements the narrative, bolstering the intensity of the stories being told.
  • The soundtrack pulsates with the highs and lows of the battle, imprinting a lasting impression on the viewers.