The First Wave

Pandemic's impact through frontline workers' perspectives.

The First Wave Hulu
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About The First Wave

Released: 2021

Platform: Hulu


Run time:


The First Wave

About The First Wave

The First Wave is a 2021 film that throws you into the life-shattering vortex of the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Directed by Matthew Heineman, this movie provides a powerful look into the horrific beginnings of the pandemic straight from the epicenter - New York City. The documentary takes us through emotional roller coasters as healthcare professionals, patients, and a populace grappling with unprecedented challenges.

Making / Production

The First Wave was produced by National Geographic Documentary Films. Matthew Heineman, who has a reputation for his headfirst dives into crisis situations, has skillfully directed the movie. He successfully presents an immediate and visceral film that captures the difficulty, trauma, and human effect experienced during the commencement of the pandemic.


  • Unnamed healthcare professionals: They play themselves in this documentary, showcasing their brave efforts in fighting the pandemic. Their authenticity adds depth to the film.
  • Unnamed patients: True heroes who fought the battle against COVID-19 and shared their battling experience and journey.
  • New York citizens: They portrayed the image of common folks grappling with the unimagined situation. Their stories add the necessary perspective on the people's resilience.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The director of the film, Matthew Heineman, is known for his work in crisis zones.
  • This documentary is raw, shot in the early stages of the pandemic when uncertainties dominated the scene.
  • The film provides an informative fly-on-the-wall look at the unprecedented health crisis, bringing out real emotions.


As of now, there are no recorded awards for The First Wave.


This documentary relies more on captured conversation and emotional supportive speech of healthcare professionals rather than scripted quotes. Hence, there's not a clear list of classic quotes from the movie.

Music, Soundtrack

  • The music used in the film is subtle yet powerfully stirring, adding to the intensity of the footage.
  • The blend of ominous and uplifting tunes resonates with the turmoil that the pandemic represented.