Giving Voice

Students compete in August Wilson monologue contest

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About Giving Voice

Released: 2020

Platform: Netflix

Rating: PG-13

Run time: 1h 30m

Viola Davis, Denzel Washington, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Freedom Martin, Nia Sarfo, Cody Merridith, Gerardo Navarro, Aaron Guy, Callie Holley

About Giving Voice

Giving Voice is a 2020 documentary film that falls within the teen movies genre. The film follows the journey of several high school students from across the United States as they compete in the annual August Wilson Monologue Competition, showcasing their talent and passion for the works of the renowned playwright. Through their performances, the students reveal the power of Wilson's words and the impact they have on young aspiring artists. Directed by James D. Stern and Fernando Villena, Giving Voice offers an intimate look at the transformative power of art and the importance of self-expression.


- About - Making / Production - Actors - Trivia / Interesting Facts - Quotes - Music, Soundtrack


Giving Voice provides a glimpse into the lives of high school students preparing for the annual August Wilson Monologue Competition. The film captures their dedication, struggles, and triumphs as they navigate personal challenges and the pressure of performing on a national stage. Through their performances of Wilson's works, the students find their voices and discover the transformative power of storytelling.

Making / Production

The documentary Giving Voice was co-directed by James D. Stern and Fernando Villena. The filmmakers follow the journey of the young competitors as they prepare for the demanding competition, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the dedication and passion required to bring August Wilson's iconic characters to life on stage.


- Viola Davis: Executive Producer - Denzel Washington: Executive Producer - Various high school students: Competitors - Various theater professionals: Mentors and judges

Trivia / Interesting Facts

- Giving Voice premiered at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival. - The film features executive producers Viola Davis and Denzel Washington, who are both acclaimed actors with strong ties to August Wilson's work. - Several of the students participating in the competition come from diverse backgrounds and share their personal stories throughout the film.


- "The arts not only saves lives, but also changes lives." - Viola Davis - "August Wilson's works speak to the essence of human nature and the power of storytelling." - Denzel Washington - "Through his characters, Wilson offers a reflection of the American experience and the resilience of the human spirit." - Mentors in the film

Music, Soundtrack

- The documentary features a mix of music and performances from August Wilson's plays, enhancing the emotional impact of the storytelling. - The sound design in Giving Voice complements the raw emotion and intensity of the students' monologues, creating a captivating and immersive viewing experience.