Great White Double Trouble

Thrilling encounter with two menacing white sharks.

Great White Double Trouble Max
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About Great White Double Trouble

Released: 2020

Platform: Max

Rating: TV-PG

Run time:


Great White Double Trouble: Movie Overview

About Great White Double Trouble

"Great White Double Trouble" is an intriguing TV special released in 2020 and rated TV-PG. Set in Australia, the show centers around a startling revelation made by scientists: the existence of not one, but two distinct populations of great whites, each with its unique characteristics. One of these groups is far more aggressive than the other, leading to exciting and often tense interactions.

Making / Production

The production of "Great White Double Trouble" involved extensive research and a great deal of marine exploration. It highlighted the advanced technology and field research of modern-day scientists who are trying to unlock the mysteries of these marine predators. The production team utilized cutting-edge tracking and filming technology to give the audience a closer look at the behaviors and interactions of these incredible sharks.


  • There are no actors in "Great White Double Trouble," given the documentary nature of the film. However, it is notable for the crew included marine biologists, divers, and cinematographers who took up the challenging role of capturing these magnificent creatures on film.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • "Great White Double Trouble" was filmed in the waters surrounding Australia, known for their diverse marine life.
  • Despite being about one of the most feared animals on the planet, the film is rated TV-PG, which indicates its informational and educational nature.


Information about any awards won by "Great White Double Trouble" is currently not available.


  • Quotes from "Great White Double Trouble" mainly include factual information and observations from the marine biologists and researchers featured in the documentary.

Music, Soundtrack

  • The music and soundtrack of "Great White Double Trouble" were designed to enhance the suspense and drama of scenes throughout the documentary, aiding in creating a thrilling atmosphere.