
Indian port worker's life framed in black-and-white.

Gunda Hulu
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About Gunda

Released: 2020

Platform: Hulu

Rating: G

Run time: 2h 14m


Gunda (2020)

About Gunda

Released in 2020, 'Gunda' is a unique and revolutionary piece of cinema that explores the life of a mother pig (Gunda), a flock of chickens, and a herd of cows. The compelling narrative is an intimate chronicle that, instead of relying on traditional storytelling, uses experiential cinema to provide a raw, unedited look into the world of these animals and their experiences. Directed by Viktor Kossakovsky, the film tells a mother's story through a lens of compassion and authenticity. Gunda, the mother pig, is the central focus of this documentary, and her interactions with her piglets, the chickens, and cows form the crux of the story.

Making / Production

'Gunda' was made with careful attention to detail that resulted in its distinctive visual aesthetic. Kossakovsky opted for a black and white scheme that beautifully captured the raw reality of the farm. The production team also made conscious efforts to minimize their intervention in documenting the animals' lives, allowing the narrative to develop naturally. Exceptional moments of interaction were thus captured, providing the documentary with the spontaneity and depth that makes it a masterpiece.


  • Though 'Gunda' is an experiential film composed entirely of animals, it doesn't mean the subjects are any less significant. The mother pig, Gunda, displays a range of emotions that captivate the viewer and brings a sense of reality to her existence.
  • The flock of chickens, despite their role being less prominent than Gunda's, add a dimension to the film that enhances its appeal.
  • Lastly, the herd of cows contributes their tranquility and serenity to the dynamic of the film, complementing the more involved narrative of Gunda and her piglets.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • No script was used for the filming of 'Gunda', emphasizing the director's commitment to capture the natural behavior of the animals.
  • Although no dialogues are used in the entirety of the film, its emotional impact is profound.


As an experiential film, 'Gunda' does not contain dialogues or explicit quotes. However, the silence in this film communicates volumes about animal lives that are just as full of emotions, interactions, and experiences as ours.

Music, Soundtrack

  • The film employs natural sounds—the sloshing of mud, the rustling of straw, the cooing of birds—to complement the visual narrative, making it a fully immersive experience.