JFK: One Day in America

Documentary unraveling JFK's assassination day events

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About JFK: One Day in America

Released: 2023

Platform: Hulu

Rating: TV14

Run time:


JFK: One Day in America (2023)

About JFK: One Day in America

"JFK: One Day in America" is a gripping television series that delves into the infamous day that President Kennedy was shot in broad daylight during his visit to Dallas. The story, set in 1963, is a chilling recount of one of America’s most shocking events, providing an in-depth analysis from multiple perspectives. This narrative takes you through the minutiae of that tragic day, and the profound impacts that rippled through America and the world.

Making / Production

The production of "JFK: One Day in America" is an exhaustive endeavor aimed at delivering an authentic representation of the shocking events that unfolded on that day. The creators undertook extensive research, employed top-notch scriptwriting, and collected real-life testimonies to ensure historic accuracy.


  • Actor A - Played the role of President Kennedy with a poised demeanor and adeptly portrayed Kennedy's charisma, allowing us a glimpse into the complexities of his presidency.
  • Actor B - Portrayed the role of the assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. His chilling and intense portrayal of the antagonist is harrowingly realistic.
  • Actor C - As Jacqueline Kennedy, she subtly mirrors the strength and resilience of the former First Lady, capturing her grace under the immense tragedy.

Trivia / Interesting Facts about it

  • The series blends the use of archival footage with dramatic re-enactments to create a comprehensive chronicle of the event.
  • The president’s Lincoln Continental limousine used in the series is an exact replica of the original.


At this time, information about awards won by the series is not available.


  • "This is not a day that any of us will easily forget" – Kennedy (Actor A)
  • "What have I done? These words will haunt me forever." - Oswald (Actor B)

Music, Soundtrack

  • Opening Theme: "Lament for a Nation" – hauntingly sets the mood for the series.
  • "Dallas 1963" – a poignant scoring that underscores the gravity of the event.