LEGO Star Wars: Resistance Rises (Shorts)

Short LEGO animations featuring Star Wars heroes

LEGO Star Wars: Resistance Rises (Shorts) Disney+
Watch on Disney+
About LEGO Star Wars: Resistance Rises (Shorts)

Released: 2016

Platform: Disney+

Rating: TV-Y7-FV

Run time: 7m


About LEGO Star Wars: Resistance Rises (Shorts)

LEGO Star Wars: Resistance Rises (Shorts) is a collection of short films that were released in the year 2016. The shorts are derived from the much-loved Star Wars franchise, re-imagined in the distinctive style of LEGO. The shorts aim to bridge the gap between the films "Return of the Jedi" and "The Force Awakens". These bite-sized adventures feature our favorite Star Wars characters from the aforementioned films, engaging in various escapades and comical situations.

Making / Production

The making of these shorts is a compelling story in itself, having involved the collaboration of Disney XD and LEGO. Using the innovative and playful approach of LEGO, these shorts have been able to depict the Star Wars universe in a new light, with each short offering a unique perspective and narrative.


  • Matthew Wood as Kylo Ren: Provided a comical and twisted tone to the tantrum-ridden dark Jedi.
  • Tom Kane as Admiral Ackbar: Crafted a serious yet entertaining role.
  • David Acord as BB-8: Played the ever-lovable droid with a charming personality.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The shorts were originally aired on Disney XD, a channel notable for showcasing animated series aimed at children and teens.
  • The series managed to incorporate elements from both the original trilogy and the sequel trilogy of the Star Wars saga.
  • Despite being made out of LEGO, the shorts successfully managed to maintain the Star Wars ethos and essence.


Although LEGO Star Wars: Resistance Rises (Shorts) have not won any awards, it is widely appreciated by Star Wars fans and critics alike for its notable humor and uniqueness.


  • "I find your lack of faith disturbing."
  • "The Force will be with you. Always."
  • "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope."

Music, Soundtrack

  • John Williams inspired scores have been used to capture the essence of Star Wars in these shorts.
  • The music for these shorts was carefully composed to create comedy timing and ensue dramatic effect.