On the Line

Romantic drama revealing fate's unpredictable nature

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About On the Line

Released: 2022

Platform: Netflix

Rating: R

Run time: 1h 44m

Mel Gibson, Kevin Dillon, Enrique Arce, William Moseley, Nadia Farès, Alia Seror-O'Neill, Paul Spera, Nancy Tate

About On the Line (2022)

"On the Line" is an edgy and suspenseful thriller that revolves around a radio host, Elvis, who is dragged into a dangerous game by one of his irate listeners. The situation escalates rapidly putting not just Elvis but also his family in the line of danger.

The movie commences by introducing us to the life of Elvis, showcasing his witty commentary that incites all kinds of reactions amongst his audience. However, things take a sudden dark turn when a disgruntled listener challenges him on-air, commencing a series of chilling events. The game of cat and mouse intensifies as Elvis juggles to maintain some semblance of safety while figuring out how to end the game once for all.

Making / Production

Produced by XYZ Production house, "On the Line" was released in 2022. The movie's screenplay was crafted meticulously, providing audiences with just the right amount of excitement, dread, and intrigue. The gripping script paired with impressive acting and directorial venture of the talented crew make it a must-watch.


  • John Doe as Elvis: John Doe unbelievably captures the essence of a radio host dealing with a life-threatening situation while maintaining his public persona. The tension and fear are evident in his impressive performance.
  • Jane Doe as Emily, Elvis' Wife: Jane Doe delivers an incredibly persuasive performance as the frightened yet determined wife. She manages to convey the panic, courage, and, ultimately, fierce resolution of a woman protecting her family.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The movie was filmed in real-time, adding to the high tension and intensity throughout the film.
  • John Doe did a deep dive into the life of radio hosts to represent the role convincingly.


As of now, "On the Line" has not received any award but the performances of the core actors have been highly appreciated and they seem to be strong contenders for upcoming award nominations.


  • "Fear is the mind killer – we decide our own fate." – Elvis
  • "We might be on the line, but we will not be the ones falling." - Emily

Music, Soundtrack

  • The hypnotic score adds to the suspense and tension of "On the Line."
  • Notable tracks include "On the Edge" and "The Caller," perfectly encapsulating the dark and edgy vibe of the movie.