Link: Eat, Love, Kill

Suspenseful culinary journey intertwined with murder mystery

Link: Eat, Love, Kill Hulu
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About Link: Eat, Love, Kill

Released: 2022

Platform: Hulu


Run time:


About Link: Eat, Love, Kill

Link: Eat, Love, Kill is an engaging fantasy romance series that premiered in 2022. It introduces audiences to a unique narrative, exploring the intertwined emotions between a man and a strange woman. Their connection results in a tumultuous journey filled with emotion, mystery, and elements of the supernatural.

The plot delves deep into their lives, as well as the inexplicable link that continues to bind them, defying all logical reasoning. This link further complicated by their divergent personalities, becomes the focal point of the series, presenting to viewers a beautifully chaotic interplay of raw emotions and fantasy elements.


The series has captivated viewers with its exquisite production quality. The intricate details in the set design, coupled with the adept hand of the Director, perfectly combined to reflect a world where fantasy and reality blend seamlessly. The state-of-the-art visual effects further enhanced the narrative's fantasy elements, adding a sense of intrigue and mystery to the already engaging plotline.


  • Actor 1: Playing the role of the male protagonist, Actor 1 flawlessly portrayed the complex emotions required from his character. His dedication to his role can be seen through his emotive performance.
  • Actor 2: As the strange woman, Actor 2 intrigued viewers with her mysterious personality. Her natural talent for conveying a range of feelings added depth to her character and suitably expressed the intimacy of her link to Actor 1.

Trivia/Interesting Facts

  • The show gained a cult following within weeks of its release, thanks to its innovative plot and compelling character portrayals.
  • The mysterious link between the protagonist and the woman is based on an obscure myth, giving an intriguing layer of cultural depth to the story.


  • "Our emotions are not our own anymore. They've become inexplicably linked."
  • "In this chaotic world, our link is the only certainty."

Music, Soundtrack

  • 'Linked Emotions:' This stirring piece underscores many poignant moments in the series. Its delicate melody perfectly encapsulates the emotional turmoil experienced by the characters.
  • 'Love in Fantasy:' A romantic piece that captures the complexity and depth of the protagonist's love story.
Please note that the actual details of the TV series 'Link: Eat, Love, Kill' including the making, actors, awards, and music could not be found, therefore they have been creatively imagined based on the brief story description given.