Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

Teen pilots use mecha suits in intergalactic battles

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Hulu
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About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

Released: 1995

Platform: Hulu

Rating: TVMA

Run time: 49h 20m

Hikaru Midorikawa, Akiko Yajima, Toshihiko Seki, Shigeru Nakahara, Ai Orikasa

About Mobile Suit Gundam Wing

Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, also known simply as Gundam Wing, is an anime series that was first aired in 1995. The series is set in a futuristic era, in which humanity has colonized space and divides itself between the earth and various colonies. The collaboration between Sunrise and Bandai, along with direction from Masashi Ikeda and Shinji Takamatsu, has resulted in a tour de force of mecha anime.

The story revolves around a war between Earth and its space colonies. The plot thickens as five young warriors, each piloting a persoanlized, high-spec mobile suit Gundam, descend to the earth to carry out Operation Meteor - a colony-wide insurrection against the oppressive Earth Sphere Alliance.

Making / Production

Beginning in 1995, Gundam Wing aired for 49 episodes, with the series culminating in 1996. Unique to the Gundam franchise, Gundam Wing is bolstered by tight pacing, mature themes, and slick mech designs. The mecha designs were contributed by Hajime Katoki, who became a massive influence in the Gundam series. The narrative was penned by Katsuyuki Sumizawa, and character designs were created by Shukou Murase.


  • Hikaru Midorikawa: The voice behind Heero Yuy. He portrayed his character with a balanced mix of stoicism and occasional vulnerability.
  • Toshihiko Seki: Lent his voice to Duo Maxwell. He masterfully captured the jovial yet serious nature of his character.
  • Shigeru Nakahara: As the voice of Trowa Barton, he successfully expressed his character's calm and skilled personality.
  • Ai Orikasa: Voiced Quatre Winner, she perfectly replicated the compassionate and strategic leader character.
  • Ryuzou Ishino: Voiced Chang Wufei, he managed to convey his character's honor-bound warrior ethos.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • Gundam Wing is the first Gundam series that aired in the United States.
  • Relena Peacecraft, a central character, was voted as one of the "Most Hated Anime Characters of All Time."
  • The design of the Gundam Epyon is loosely based on Wing Gundam, but with a more dragon or Chinese-inspired appearance.
  • Despite its portrayal in the series, the "Buster Rifle" of Wing Gundam is capable of firing only three shots before running out of energy.

Music and Soundtrack

  • "Just Communication" by Two-Mix: Used as the series' opening theme song.
  • "Rhythm Emotion" by Two-Mix: Used as the second opening theme song.
  • "It's Just Love" by Rumi Ohishi: Used as the primary ending theme.
  • "White Reflection" by Two-Mix: Played during the credits of the spin-off OVA 'Endless Waltz'.