About 'Out of Death'
"Out of Death" is a 2021 crime thriller, directed by Mike Burns. Set against the quiet backdrop of rural America, the story revolves around Shannon (Jaime King), a photojournalist who unwittingly encounters a malicious criminal conspiracy in the woodland environment she is taking photographs of. Her chance encounter with retired police officer Jack Harris (Bruce Willis) becomes her only hope of survival.
Making / Production
"Out of Death" was shot in superb natural settings, providing a powerful contrast to the dark and violent plot occurring within. The movie is directed by Mike Burns, who has demonstrated an innovative approach to the crime thriller genre. However, critics have pointed to the film's script and direction as weaker points.
- Bruce Willis: As the retired police officer Jack Harris, Bruce Willis gives a solid performance although it is not considered one of his very best. He encapsulates the reluctant hero forced back into action.
- Jaime King: King plays the role of Shannon, a solitary photojournalist embroiled in a dangerous situation. Her performance is convincing, depicting an unsuspecting individual thrust into a perilous situation.
Trivia / Interesting Facts
- The movie was primarily shot in Mississippi, USA.
- Despite being a crime thriller, the movie employs beautiful natural backgrounds in many scenes.
As of now, 'Out of Death' has not won any notable awards.
- "All I wanted was to take some photos, and now I'm running for my life."
- "I may be retired, but I can still do my job."
Music, Soundtrack
- The original score for "Out of Death" was composed by Rhyan D'Errico and Kyle Hnedak.
- The soundtrack primarily supports the intense tone of the movie, employing suspenseful and atmospheric sounds,