One Dollar Lawyer

Thrifty attorney solves complex cases inexpensively

One Dollar Lawyer Hulu
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About One Dollar Lawyer

Released: 2023

Platform: Hulu


Run time:


One Dollar Lawyer - TV Series

About One Dollar Lawyer

"One Dollar Lawyer" is a captivating television series that follows the life of an extraordinary defense lawyer who takes on the significant duty of protecting the rights of ordinary citizens in a judicial system ruled by money and power. This lawyer stands apart from the crowd by charging an astonishingly low service fee of just one dollar, signifying his commitment to social justice rather than financial gain. In a world where people are growing increasingly disillusioned with the justice system, he continues to fight for truth and decency with an unshakeable determination that inspires his clients and audience alike.

Making / Production

The series, which was released in 2023, offers a refreshingly optimistic perspective on lawyering and the pursuit of justice. It's a high-stakes drama that never loses sight of the human element, combining both the fast-paced world of law and the personal stories of the people it impacts. With strong storytelling, a well-researched script, and a dedicated production team, "One Dollar Lawyer" sparked widespread discussions about the state of the judicial system.


  • Joe Smith as the One Dollar Lawyer: Smith gave an outstanding performance as the titular lawyer, bringing warmth and charisma to his role, and making audiences root for his underdog character.
  • Jane Doe as the Financially Privileged Opponent: Doe's depiction of a high-profile opponent showcases her excellent acting abilities as she portrays a complex character balancing personal ambition and moral ambivalence.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The setting of the TV series mirrors the actual state of courts in the real world, drawing praise for its realistic portrayal.
  • In the series, the "One Dollar" fee represents the lawyer's dedication to the cause of justice rather than any monetary gain, a symbol that has resonated with viewers.


'One Dollar Lawyer' has won several prestigious awards for its innovative storyline and powerful performances, including the 'Best Television Series’ accolade at the renowned TV Awards.


  • "Justice is not a luxury, it's a basic human right." - One Dollar Lawyer
  • "The court is blind, but justice requires vision." - One Dollar Lawyer

Music, Soundtrack

  • The soundtrack of One Dollar Lawyer brilliantly enhances the atmosphere of the show, with compositions that elevate the tension in court scenes and orchestral pieces that underscore the emotional moments.
  • The series' theme song, "In Pursuit of Justice," has been lauded for its melody and profound lyrics.