Oscars Nominations 2024

Latest Oscar nominee announcements and discussions

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About Oscars Nominations 2024

Released: 2024

Platform: Hulu


Run time:


Oscars Nominations 2024

About Oscars Nominations 2024

ABC News Live Anchor Kayna Whitworth presents the much-anticipated lineup of the 2024 Academy Awards Nominations. This riveting TV series offers an insightful analysis of the nominations, including raw reactions from eminent personalities like Variety’s Clayton Davis, Vanity Fair’s Erin Vanderhoof, and ABC News Contributor Mike Muse. Tune in for intriguing behind-the-scenes perspectives, probing conversations, and an in-depth look into the Academy Awards nominations.

Making / Production

The show has been brought together by a team of experienced behind-the-scenes professionals. The production has been intricately executed, with an emphasis on delivering high-quality content that effectively analyzes and presents the Oscars nominations. The series shines in its ability to grip the viewers with its engaging debates, enriching insights, and expert opinions on the nominations.


  • Kayna Whitworth: As the main host of the show, she brings energy, passion, and professional candor to the table while having engaging discussions about the nominations.
  • Clayton Davis: Clayton, from Variety, offers profound and well-informed assessments of the nominations, contributing significantly to the analytical depth of the show.
  • Erin Vanderhoof: Representing Vanity Fair, Erin brings her insightful cinematic expertise to the conversation, adding a unique and enlightening perspective on the nominations.
  • Mike Muse: As the ABC News Contributor, Mike Muse engages in a thought-provoking dialogue about the nominations, elevating the overall discourse on the show.

Trivia / Interesting Facts:

  • The series offers exclusive insights into the nominations directly from industry insiders, providing viewers with added depth and perspective on the Oscars' selection process.
  • The round-table discussion format of the series presents a refreshing approach to analyzing the nominations, providing a variety of viewpoints and opinions.


Information about awards the series has won, if any, is currently not available.


  • "Cinema is a mirror that can change the world." - Kayna Whitworth
  • "The nominations this year are a true reflection of the diversity and dynamism in storytelling." - Clayton Davis
  • "It is the moving performances that truly make a film Oscar-worthy." - Erin Vanderhoof
  • "The nominations this year represent not just outstanding cinematic achievements, but also the zeitgeist of our times." - Mike Muse

Music, Soundtrack:

  • A captivating original score sets the mood, complementing the intensity of the discussions and enhancing the viewing experience.
  • The soundtrack includes various iconic Oscar-nominated scores, enriching the viewers' connection with the theme of the show.