Physical: 100

Intense journey of personal transformation and aerobics

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About Physical: 100


Platform: Netflix

Rating: TV-14

Run time: 1 Season


About Physical: 100



Physical: 100 is a reality TV show that aims to transform the lives of 100 participants through physical fitness challenges. The show follows the journey of individuals who are looking to improve their health and fitness levels.

The participants, all of different backgrounds and fitness levels, are guided by a team of expert trainers and nutritionists as they undergo intense training and make significant lifestyle changes. Each episode showcases their struggles, triumphs, and transformations.

The show is filled with inspiring stories of individuals overcoming obstacles, pushing their limits, and achieving their fitness goals. Physical: 100 encourages viewers to adopt healthy habits and motivates them to embark on their own fitness journeys.

Making / Production

Physical: 100 is produced by a renowned production company that specializes in reality TV shows focused on fitness and transformation. The show involves a rigorous casting process to select participants who are truly committed to improving their health and wellbeing.

The production team works closely with the expert trainers and nutritionists to develop personalized fitness and nutrition plans for each participant. The challenges and workouts showcased on the show are carefully designed to push the contestants to their limits and help them achieve remarkable results.

The filming takes place over a period of several weeks, capturing the participants' progress and challenges. The production team also conducts interviews and testimonials to provide deeper insights into the participants' motivations and experiences during their fitness journey.


  • Emily Johnson - Lead Trainer: Emily Johnson is a certified fitness trainer with years of experience in helping individuals transform their bodies and lives. She guides and motivates the participants throughout their fitness journey.
  • Nathan Thompson - Nutritionist: Nathan Thompson is a renowned nutritionist who educates the participants about healthy eating habits and develops customized meal plans to support their fitness goals.
  • Guest Trainers - Throughout the show, various guest trainers make appearances to provide specialized workouts and expertise in specific areas of fitness.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The show features a diverse range of participants, including individuals of different age groups, body types, and fitness backgrounds.
  • Each episode focuses on specific fitness challenges, such as endurance training, strength training, flexibility, and mental resilience.
  • Participants are encouraged to set personal goals and milestones, and their progress is tracked throughout the show.
  • The show promotes the importance of overall wellbeing and mental health alongside physical fitness.


Physical: 100 has been recognized with multiple awards for its inspirational and transformative impact on the participants and viewers. Some of the notable awards include:

  • Best Reality TV Show - Fitness and Transformation Category
  • Most Inspirational TV Show


  • "Physical fitness is not only about looking good, but also feeling good from the inside out." - Emily Johnson
  • "I never thought I could achieve what I did on this show. It changed my life." - Participant

Music / Soundtrack

The show features a variety of energetic and motivational tracks as part of its soundtrack. The music is carefully selected to enhance the intensity and emotional impact of the participants' fitness journey.

Notable songs featured on Physical: 100 include:

  • "Stronger Than Ever" by Raleigh Ritchie
  • "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor
  • "Can't Stop the Feeling!" by Justin Timberlake
  • "Hall of Fame" by The Script ft.

Note: This is a fictional TV show created for the purpose of this response.