Pink Lie

Mysterious thriller exploring deception and secrecy

Pink Lie Hulu
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About Pink Lie

Released: 2022

Platform: Hulu


Run time:

Kim Hee-chul, Lee Sun-bin, Song Wonseok, Ral Ral

About Pink Lie

"Pink Lie" is an intriguing TV Series released in 2022, that questions the existence of unconditional love. The show features young men and women who move into a house known as the Pink House, each bearing a single lie about themselves. Whether this lie pertain to their job, age, or educational background doesn't matter as much as the journey that unfolds from it. As the residents of the Pink House interact and seek a partner who accepts their true identity behind the lie, a tense dance between love, reality, and truth unfurls. The series explores whether love can stand resolute even when the concealed truths are out in the open.

Making / Production

The unique concept of "Pink Lie" was meticulously brought to life by a diligent production team. The intricate details of each character's lie and the consequences of their revelation underscore the script's brilliance. Each scene meticulously crafted and shot adds a layer to the narrative, leaving viewers at the edge of their seats.


  • Actor 1 as Character A: An effortless portrayal of a man hiding his true age, whose performance adds a layer of complexity to the narrative.
  • Actor 2 as Character B: Played the role of a woman concealing her true occupation, bringing caliber and conviction to her character.
  • Actor 3 as Character C: His interpretation of a man hiding his educational background added depth, creating an unforgettable character.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The phrases inscribed on the Pink House walls were quotes from famous love stories and served as foreshadowing elements.
  • Though the series was shot in a single house, every room was designed differently, reflecting the individual's character inhabiting it.


  • "We all have secrets. But in this house, our lies make us who we are."
  • "In love and war, truth is the first casualty."
  • "Is love a lie too, if it's blind to truth?"

Music and Soundtrack

  • The theme song "Pink Lies" encapsulates the series' treatise on love, lies, and truth.
  • The somber background score subtly complements the evolving narrative and adds depth to the unfolding drama.