Rest In Peace

Supernatural thriller about navigating the afterlife

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About Rest In Peace

Released: 2024

Platform: Netflix

Rating: TV-MA

Run time: 1h 47m

Joaquín Furriel, Griselda Siciliani, Gabriel Goity, Lali González, Raúl Daumas, Alicia Guerra

Rest In Peace

About Rest In Peace

Released in 2024, the TV-MA rated movie, Rest In Peace, revolves around the life of the central character, Sergio. Confronted with considerable financial strain and deteriorating health, Sergio stares down the barrel of despair. However, fate has a strange trajectory as he stumbles upon an opportunity to secure his family’s future. But, it comes with a substantial price - his disappearance, forever.

Making / Production

The film was a journey that captured the very essence of human struggle and sacrifice. With a gritty realism, the team behind Rest In Peace worked tirelessly to create a storyline that exemplifies the struggles of a common man. Filmed in various urban and rustic locations, the team brought the rawness and reality of life's harsh situations to the forefront.


  • Actor A: Portrayed the role of Sergio, showcasing his brilliant acting skills by delivering a powerful and heart-wrenching performance. His depiction of financial distress and physical ailment was both convincing and emotionally stirring.

  • Actor B: Played the role of Sergio's wife, beautifully brought out the love, worries, and resilience in the face of adversities the character demanded.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The filming took place in actual slums to maintain authenticity.
  • The lead actor had to lose significant weight to depict his deteriorating health accurately.


The film has won the Best Drama Movie, while Actor A has clinched the Best Actor award for his powerful portrayal of Sergio.


  • “Sacrifice is heavy, but regret is heavier. Choose wisely.” - Sergio

Music, Soundtrack

  • The iconic theme, "Sergio's Resolve," beautifully encapsulates his struggle and determination.