Ricky Powell: The Individualist

Documentary on legendary street photographer Ricky Powell

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About Ricky Powell: The Individualist

Released: 2020

Platform: Hulu

Rating: TVMA

Run time: 1h 30m


Ricky Powell: The Individualist

About Ricky Powell: The Individualist

"Ricky Powell: The Individualist" is a captivating documentary film that was released in 2020. The movie takes viewers on an intriguing journey through the life and work of Ricky Powell, a legendary street photographer best known for his connection to the hip hop world and his raw, candid shots of some of the biggest cultural icons of our time. The film vividly embellishes Powell's charisma, his eye for capturing the spirit of New York City, and his rebellious attitude towards the establishment.

Making / Production

The film was produced by Joshua A. Green and Peter Bittenbender who have managed to weave together layers of interviews, original footage, and Powell's photography into a compelling narrative that captures his spirit and creativity.


  • Ricky Powell as himself: Powell's natural charm and engaging storytelling paint a vivid picture of his unique journey and influence on the world of photography.
  • Natasha Lyonne: The actress makes a special appearance to narrate the some of the events in Powell's life.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The film features footage from Powell's infamous public access TV show titled Rappin' with the Rickster.
  • The Beastie Boys, one of the most influential hip hop groups who Powell continually shot, feature in the documentary.
  • Powell’s photographs have been published in Times, Rolling Stone and The New York Times.

Music, Soundtrack

  • "Louder than a Bomb" by Public Enemy: Played during a pivotal moment in the film, highlighting the cultural context of Powell's work.
  • "Paul Revere" by The Beastie Boys: Included in the film as a nod to Powell's close connection with the band.


  • "I'm amped, I'm gonna shoot some sh*t!" - Ricky Powell
  • "Sometimes the streets will whisper to you, just gotta listen." - Ricky Powell

Unfortunately, there isn't any information available about the movie receiving any awards.