Save Yourselves! (HBO)

Millennial couple faces unexpected alien apocalypse

Save Yourselves! (HBO) Max
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About Save Yourselves! (HBO)

Released: 2020

Platform: Max

Rating: R

Run time:

Sunita Mani, John Reynolds, Ben Sinclair, John Early, Jo Firestone, Johanna Day, Gary Richardson

About Save Yourselves! (HBO)

"Save Yourselves!" is an American science fiction comedy movie that premiered in 2020. The film is an intriguing fusion of comedy and science fiction. It centers around a young Brooklyn couple, Su and Jack, who decide to disconnect from their phones and reconnect with each other during a trip to a remote cabin. Unbeknown to them, the planet is under an alien attack, and they are oblivious to the world's end until it's too late.

Making / Production

The film was directed by Alex Huston Fischer and Eleanor Wilson, who also wrote the screenplay. Their aim was to merge comedy and dramatic moments to capture the reality of today's society where people are often disconnected from reality due to their reliance on technology. The movie was produced by Keshet Studios and Last Rodeo Studios and distributed by Bleecker Street and HBO.


  • Sunita Mani as Su: She excellently portrays a young woman trying to balance her relationship and the impending apocalypse. Her performance is comically tragic as she faces an alien attack without any technological help.
  • John Reynolds as Jack: He plays the role of Su's boyfriend who is equally naive about the alien invasion. Reynolds delivers the role of an oblivious yet loving boyfriend who believes the difficulty they face is a test to their relationship rather than an apocalyptic event.
  • Ben Sinclair as Raph: He did justice to his role as a survivalist whose life revolves around preparing for the end of the world. His character presents a stark contrast to the unprepared Su and Jack.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The film premiered at Sundance Film Festival 2020 before it was widely released.
  • Despite being a science fiction, the movie has no special effects for the alien creatures; instead, they are represented by fluffy poufs.
  • Co-director Eleanor Wilson confirmed that the screenplay was influenced by her own experiences and observations about today's society's relationship with technology.


  • "We probably sound pretty stupid right now, and I think that's okay!" - Jack
  • "I can't even remember what we used to talk about before... before the internet." - Su
  • "Our lives are just us bullshitting ourselves that we're not alone in the universe." - Raph

Music, Soundtrack

  • The beautiful and tense soundtrack of the film was created by Andrew Orkin. His blend of science fiction and romance tones set a perfect scene for the events happening in the movie.