Totally Under Control

In-depth examination of US COVID-19 response.

Totally Under Control Hulu
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About Totally Under Control

Released: 2020

Platform: Hulu


Run time: 2h 3m


Totally Under Control (2020)

About Totally Under Control

Totally Under Control is an insightful documentary film that presents an in-depth look at how the United States dealt with the Covid-19 outbreak during the initial stages. Directed by Academy Award winner Alex Gibney, with co-directors Ophelia Harutyunyan and Suzanne Hillinger, this film provides a detailed examination of the administration's failed response towards the global pandemic.

Making / Production

The documentary was shot in secret over the course of five months, during 2020. Delivering a level of detail that underlines the government’s confusion and denial in the face of the global pandemic. Gibney, alongside his co-directors, combined intensive investigative reporting and damning interviews from public health officials and medical experts to create a cautionary tale of bureaucratic indifference and lack of leadership in the face of a global pandemic.


  • Alex Gibney (Director, Producer): As an acclaimed documentarian, Gibney expertly provided an analytical narrative throughout the film, weaving a compelling story through interviews and facts.
  • Ophelia Harutyunyan (Co-Director): Working alongside Gibney, her arresting visuals helped the documentary convey the harsh reality of the Covid-19 crisis.
  • Suzanne Hillinger (Co-Director): Hillinger’s invaluable contribution in directing added a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the global pandemic.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The documentary was filmed secretly during the global pandemic in 2020.
  • The name 'Totally Under Control' is a reference to President Donald Trump's statement that the virus was 'totally under control'.


The film hasn't received any awards as of yet.


  • "This is like fighting a ghost." - Thomas Frieden, former Director of CDC
  • "It's pretty clear that we're on our own." - Medical Professional

Music, Soundtrack

  • "American Crisis" by Bob Mould: used as part of the soundtrack, conveys the sense of urgency and chaos during the crisis.