TRUMPED: Inside the Greatest Political Upset of All Time

Unraveling historic 2016 presidential election upset

TRUMPED: Inside the Greatest Political Upset of All Time Hulu
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About TRUMPED: Inside the Greatest Political Upset of All Time

Released: 2017

Platform: Hulu


Run time: 1h 45m


About TRUMPED: Inside the Greatest Political Upset of All Time

Released in 2017, "TRUMPED: Inside the Greatest Political Upset of All Time" is a documentary that offers an in-depth look at the 2016 United States Presidential Election. The movie delves into the unexpected victory of Donald J. Trump, examining the political landscape and societal sentiments that led to his election as the 45th President of the United States. Narrated by Mark Halperin, John Heilemann, and Mark McKinnon, the film presents an eye-opening journey making the audience revisit the twists and turns of the tumultuous 2016 campaign.

Making / Production

The film was produced under the direction of Ted Bourne, Mary Robertson, and Banks Tarver. Showtime Networks was the distributor, and the film was presented by Bloomberg Politics. The producers and their teams spent considerable time gathering footage, conducting interviews, and piecing together the complex narratives that ultimately culminated in Trump’s election victory.

Key Figures Involved

  • Mark Halperin : Co-narrator, he gives an informed and balanced perspective given his years of political reporting experience.
  • John Heilemann : Co-narrator, known for his analytical insights into political scenarios.
  • Mark McKinnon: Co-narrator, a former political advisor who brings a unique perspective to the commentary.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The film was released during the Sundance Film Festival, just three days after Trump's inauguration.
  • The movie consolidated footage and interviews from "The Circus" - an earlier Showtime election series.


  • "We're going to win so much, you're going to be so sick and tired of winning."
  • "It might not be good for America, but it's damn good for CBS."

Music, Soundtrack

The music and soundtrack of the movie were composed by Paul Brill. His scoring provided a compelling accompaniment to the tension, excitement, and surprises of the historic election cycle.

This film, although historical and documentary in nature, came devoid of any awards. The film continues to serve as an account of a dramatic and poignant chapter in the American political history.