Wasted! The Story of Food Waste

Exploring global food waste and its solutions

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About Wasted! The Story of Food Waste

Released: 2017

Platform: Hulu

Rating: TVMA

Run time: 1h 30m


About Wasted! The Story of Food Waste

Released in 2017, the movie Wasted! The Story of Food Waste, is a detailed journey through the prism of waste food and the colossal problem of food wastage worldwide. The documentary sheds a light on global food waste by means of innovative and scientist solutions enacted by great chefs. These chefs strive to transform people's perception of scraps to incredible dishes. The objective is towards a more sustainable and secure food system. The film is rated TVMA for mature audiences.

Making / Production

The documentary is directed by Anna Chai and Nari Kye, who creatively got the story out to advocate for more sustainable and ecologically friendly ways of producing, distributing and utilizing food. Through the eye of the chefs, they demystify food waste by transforming it into informative and engaging visual narratives. The film explores various food waste initiatives and their potential to positively impact communities, economies, and the environment.


  • Anthony Bourdain - As the passionate food enthusiast and executive-producer, Bourdain is animated in his campaign against food waste.
  • Dan Barber - Renowned Chef and Co-founder of the Row 7 Seed Company, Barber advocates for the better use of ingredients.
  • Mario Batali - Famous Chef and restaurateur, Batali aims to optimize the food system.
  • Massimo Bottura - Known for his inventive cuisine, Bottura turns scraps into gourmet.

Trivia / Interesting Facts about it

  • Wasted! is executive produced by renowned chef and longtime food waste advocate, the late Anthony Bourdain.
  • The film was screened at the Tribeca Film Festival and other renowned festivals, spreading an important message about food waste and sustainability.
  • The film was released on World Food Day - intensifying its message on wastage and sustainable use of food.


Unfortunately, Wasted! The Story of Food Waste has not won any awards to date, but it has received significant praise for its dedication and commitment towards food sustainability.


  • "This should be considered as a battle loss, this is unacceptable." - Anthony Bourdain
  • "As a chef, we make delicious... that's a duty." - Massimo Bottura
  • "We need to get people to demand better." - Dan Barber

Music, Soundtrack

  • The movie's fascinating soundtrack is filled with music that aligns perfectly with the film's theme and message.
  • With its harmony and melody, the music reinforces the critical issue being addressed and adds emotion and impact to the scenes.