XY Chelsea

Documentary following whistleblower Chelsea Manning

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About XY Chelsea

Released: 2019

Platform: Hulu


Run time: 1h 30m


XY Chelsea (2019)

About XY Chelsea

'XY Chelsea' is a compelling and engaging documentary portraying the real life of Chelsea Manning, a soldier in the US Army, who leaks highly classified information to WikiLeaks, nodding towards both her struggles with gender identity and the media circus that followed her actions. The film provides intimate access to Chelsea's journey, from her gender transition in a military prison, through her subsequent release and attempt to navigate life in a world that has changed significantly during her incarceration.


The documentary was directed by Tim Travers Hawkins. The director had almost unprecedented access to Chelsea Manning, enabling a deep-dive into her life post-prison and her battles on multiple fronts. Filming took place in locations relevant to Chelsea's life, spanning across the United States. The cinematography successfully captures her journey, while the editing piece together a narrative that brought forth both her personal and highly political struggles.


  • Chelsea Manning - herself: Manning delivers a raw and personal insight into her life, revealing the highs and lows of her life after prison and during her landmark decision to transition. She is the protagonist as well as the narrator of the story.
  • Julian Assange - himself: Assange features via footage, offering a vital perspective as the founder of WikiLeaks, the recipient of Manning's leaked classified materials.

Trivia/ Interesting Facts

  • The original title for the documentary, (prior to Manning's gender reassignment surgery,) was "XY Chelsea". It was changed to "Chelsea Manning" after the transition.
  • This was Chelsea Manning's first documentary appearance post her prison release.
  • The documentary was produced by Pulse Films and the British Film Institute.


  • "I'm not a traitor. I did what I needed to do to preserve life, democracy and freedom."
  • "We're human and we're okay."


  • The music in XY Chelsea was composed by Johnny Hostile and Jehnny Beth, lending emotional depth to the sequences, reflective of Chelsea's journey and experiences.
  • The title song for the documentary, "Let it Out", was performed by Jehnny Beth, capturing the spirit of the film and Chelsea's journey.