You vs. Wild: Out Cold

Interactive survival adventure in snowy wilderness

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About You vs. Wild: Out Cold


Platform: Netflix

Rating: TV-PG

Run time: 25m

Bear Grylls, Jason Derek Prempeh

About You vs. Wild: Out Cold



You vs. Wild: Out Cold is a thrilling adventure TV show in the kids genre. It follows the story of Bear Grylls, an expert survivalist, as he embarks on challenging missions in extreme environments. In this particular installment, Out Cold, Bear finds himself stranded in a treacherous snowy mountain range.

As the viewers, you become the decision-makers, as Bear faces critical choices and tough predicaments throughout the show. Using interactive technology, you have the power to guide Bear's decision-making and help him navigate through dangerous situations.

The main objective of You vs. Wild: Out Cold is to combine entertainment and learning, providing a unique and immersive experience where viewers can learn survival techniques and outdoor skills. With the freedom to make choices, viewers can actively engage with the show and influence the outcome of Bear's survival mission.

Making / Production

You vs. Wild: Out Cold is produced by Netflix and is a continuation of the interactive survival series created by Bear Grylls. The show incorporates advanced technology to allow viewers to make choices that alter the storyline in real-time. These choices were filmed multiple times, resulting in various possible outcomes.

The production team worked closely with Bear Grylls to create realistic and challenging scenarios. Extensive research and planning were done to ensure the accuracy of the survival techniques demonstrated in the show. Remote locations were chosen to provide a visually stunning backdrop and enhance the immersive experience for the viewers.


  • Bear Grylls as Himself - Bear Grylls plays the role of the survival expert who finds himself in perilous situations. Through his adventurous spirit and expert knowledge, he guides viewers through the challenges they face together.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • You vs. Wild: Out Cold is the second season of the interactive survival series, following the success of the first season.
  • Bear Grylls performs all stunts and survival techniques himself, adding an authentic touch to the show.
  • The interactive elements of the show were developed in collaboration with tech experts to seamlessly integrate viewer choices into the narrative.
  • You vs. Wild: Out Cold offers a thrilling and educational adventure perfect for young viewers interested in outdoor exploration and survival skills.


No awards have been mentioned for You vs. Wild: Out Cold at the time of writing.


  • "Alright, it's decision time! What should we do next?" - Bear Grylls
  • "Remember, every choice could mean the difference between success and failure." - Bear Grylls
  • "Stay strong, stay focused, and we'll get through this together." - Bear Grylls

Music, Soundtrack

  • The soundtrack of You vs. Wild: Out Cold features an atmospheric and adventurous score, composed specifically for the show. The music enhances the intensity of the survival situations and adds to the overall viewing experience.