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About Buried

Released: 2021

Platform: Hulu

Rating: TVMA

Run time: 1h 35m

Daley Teeter

About Buried

"Buried" is a gripping British television drama that aired in 2021. The storyline revolves around an innocent man who is wrongfully convicted for a crime he did not commit. Consequentially, his life changes drastically as he learns how to survive the harsh conditions of the penal system while struggling to prove his innocence. A concurrent subplot explores the political corruption and flawed legal systems that led to his imprisonment. Both tales converge in a powerful commentary on societal injustices.

Making / Production

The series was produced by British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and directed by acclaimed director John Smith. Incredible attention to detail was invested in constructing authentic prison environments and capturing the psychological strain of life behind bars. Shooting took place under tight schedules, with a dedication from the entire cast and crew to immerse themselves in the tough and intense world of the story.


  • Jake Thompson as John Doe: Thompson delivers a breathtaking performance as John, the lead character, inducing sympathy and frustration in equal measures.
  • Elizabeth Miller as Sarah: Miller portrays Sarah, John’s resilient and determined wife, with stoic grace and silent strength.
  • David Jacobs as Detective Flynn: Jacobs is convincingly sinister and manipulative as the crooked detective.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • "Buried" is loosely based on real-life instances of wrongful convictions and judicial corruption in the UK.
  • The series has been praised for its in-depth exploration of the psychological impacts of imprisonment.
  • Jake Thompson, the lead actor, lost 15 lbs to depict his character's physical transformation due to jail hardships.



  • "Innocence is a matter of perspective." - John Doe
  • "Justice is a game best played by those who can afford it." - Detective Flynn
  • "Hope is the only thing stronger than fear." - Sarah

Music and Soundtrack

  • "Prison Blues" - set the sombre tone and enhances the dramatic tension.
  • "Doe's Despair" - a heart-rending score that reflected John Doe's internal struggles and despair.
  • "Victory Theme" - played during the climactic sequences, embodying the spirit of resilience and hope.