One Day

Dynamic narrative focusing on everyday life.

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About One Day

Released: 2024

Platform: Netflix

Rating: TV-MA

Run time: 1 Season

Ambika Mod, Leo Woodall, Essie Davis, Tim McInnerny, Amber Grappy, Jonny Weldon, Eleanor Tomlinson, Brendan Quinn

One Day TV Series (2024)

About One Day

"One Day" is a captivating television series that debuted in 2024. The plot revolves around the lives of Emma and Dexter, who despite having different paths in life after their graduation night, find their destinies entwined. This thrilling and mesmerizing series is based on the celebrated novel by David Nicholls, characterized by emotional depth, poignant storytelling, and inventive narrative structure. The events in Emma and Dexter's lives are revisited on the same day each year, revealing the evolution of their relationship, their personal journeys, and their enduring connection.

Making / Production

The production of "One Day" involved careful translation of the novel's timeline approach into a visual medium. The creators found creative ways to represent the passage of time and the characters' development over the years. The series was filmed in various locations to depict the changing settings of Emma and Dexter's lives. The various set pieces, costumes, and visual effects were meticulously planned and executed to bring authenticity to the narrative.


  • Actor 1 portrayed the character of Emma with sensitivity and nuance, successfully capturing Emma's dreams, challenges, and transformation over the years.
  • Actor 2 delivered a compelling performance as Dexter, infusing the character with charm, complexity, and a sense of realness. He perfectly encapsulates Dexter's trials, tribulations, and personal growth.

Trivia / Interesting Facts

  • The television series closely follows the narrative of David Nicholls' novel, but also includes original elements to adapt it for the screen.
  • In a unique approach to depict the passage of time, each episode of the series happens on the same date, offering snapshots of the characters' lives over the years.


  • "Whatever happens tomorrow, we've had today. And if we should bump into each other sometime in the future, well that's fine too, it'll be like bumping into an old friend."

Music and Soundtrack

  • The evocative soundtrack of "One Day" features a mix of contemporary tracks and timeless classics, mirroring the series's spanning of multiple years.
  • The music was carefully selected not only to set the mood for each scene, but also to reflect the characters' mental and emotional states.